From Chrissy Bulakites | Boston, MA
“I should start by saying that my younger brother is super smart. He graduated from high school at the top of his class, went to an Ivy League university, and started working on a phd at 23 years old. He painted this panda when he was 16, and as you can see, visual art is maybe not his area. He gave it to my mom as a gift and she and I both burst out laughing. Look at the arms! What is happening with the arms?
Anyway, he insisted that it was great and placed it prominently over the fireplace. The first time he came home from college, he noticed it was gone. He later found it in my mom's closet, was absolutely appalled, and placed it back over the fireplace. They went back and fourth like this for a few years until eventually my mom wrapped the painting up and gave it to me for Christmas. That kicked off this game that we've been playing for the past decade or so.
We regift the panda to each other for holidays and birthdays. Sometimes we hide it in each other's apartments while we're visiting. It's lived in Boston, New York, DC, Baltimore, and Connecticut. I have it right now because my mom buried it at the bottom of a box of stuff she gave me when she was moving out of the house I grew up in. I think it actually fits right in with the mismatched, kitschy aesthetic of my living room.
It brings me joy because, look at it. How could it not? It's also comforting, especially right now, to look at it and feel like I'm still participating in what might be the world's longest running inside joke with my family even though I can't be with them.” - Chrissy